Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Garden Quiz

Garden Quiz

I love gardening! I enjoy seeing plants grow, looking for garden visitors, spending time outside, and eating the harvest. I am learning new tricks every season, but am thankful that I don't have to rely on my gardening skills to survive.

  1. What are the three primary macronutrients that plants need to grow well?

  2. Potassium

  3. Which of the following vegetables is not in the nightshade 'Solanaceae' plant family?

  4. Tomato
    Bell Pepper

  5. Which of the following vegetables did not originate in North and South America?

  6. Corn

  7. Which of the vegetables is really a fruit, because it came from a flower? (more than one answer)

  8. Corn
    Green Beans

  9. Which garden plant helped Gregor Mendel discover genetics?

  10. Wheat

Thanks for taking the quiz. Share a garden story in the comments section. We would all love to hear how your garden is doing, something funny or interesting, and tricks you've learned.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob thought I should post my new trick for killing Leaf-footed bugs without chemicals. First of all, I hate leaf-footed bugs. They are like squash bugs and stink bugs, and produce a stinky smell when you step on them. They feed by poking my tomatoes and baby pumpkin flowers with their needle mouth. They bruise the fruit so that it tastes gross. They also multiply rapidly. I try keep my garden organic, but I have used sprays on these guys in the past.
    Get a plastic bag. Place the open bag under the flowers or fruit were the bugs are located. Knock the bugs in the bag. This is the gross part, squish the bugs inside the bag. You can also wrap the bag around the fruit so flying bugs can't get away. Throw away the bag or save it for the next time you spy those evil creatures. It's gross, but it works and you don't get stinky fingers.
