Can you hear the waves and the breeze blow? |
Last Sunday, Jacob, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and I really did see harbor seals on a trip down to the coast to see two lighthouses. The pictures from my
last post were of course poorly photoshoped by me! The seals would pop up for a few moments, disappear again for ten or more minutes, and then reappear in a completely different spot. We saw two at one time, but there could have been more. We think they we hunting some Common Eider ducks that were out in the surf because we saw them surface close to the ducks several times. The main duck that we were watching didn't become a meal while we were there. Here is a photo with a tiny black dot of a Common Eider if I had got a picture of the seals it would have looked something like this. I did, however, search all my photos to see if a seal had photo bombed any of my shots but, alas I did not get
that lucky.
Can you find the tiny dot of duck!? |
Ring-billed Gull |
We also saw a flotilla of Common Loons! I was super excited about this as well, since I've never been in the right place, or lucky enough to spot one before. The ten or more birds were out pretty far from shore, but their unmistakable size and sharp bill shape gave them away. They were handsomely attired in winter coats.
Me, Mary Carol, and Jacob at Point Judith Lighthouse |
The two lighthouses that we visited were in Point Judith, Rhode Island, and Stonington, CT. Point Judith lighthouse is a stone tower built in 1856. The lighthouse is still operational, and the grounds also has a Coast Guard building which has it's own watch tower. The Stonington light house is a beautiful stone building. It looks like a house with a big tower on top. It is now a museum and from outside it looked like the lantern is no longer in the lighthouse tower. Unfortunately, both were closed! but, we still enjoyed beautiful views, warm weather, and seeing seals, loons, and the New England coast.
Mary Carol, Addie, and Jacob |
Stonington Lighthouse |
Mary Carol and Jacob |
As, I write this post the weather is much colder and Connecticut got its first snow of the season last night. I sure am glad Mary Carol and Addie got to make the trip up when they did. We also had fun touring around Northeast Connecticut, putting together a jigsaw puzzle, and having a bread making lesson. Thanks for visiting!
Just a pretty view of the sparkly sea
from Stonington, CT |
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